Chillout Cabin Finished!

Some fantastic work done again today at the Teaching and Learning hub. Paths cleared of weeds, raised bed mended, more pots planted up, brambles cleared along our boundary with the railway, bulbs sorted, polytunnel tidied, last of all chill cabin finished. Well done everyone.

Doors and door furniture finished by Jim, What’s next?

The chill out cabin is a bit cramped for all of us but we had to have some group photos of today’s workers when it was finished. Thanks everyone involved Monday to Wednesday – Linda Lea, David Brown, Jim Smith, Groundwork and the Prince’s Trust young people.


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Progress on the Chillout Cabin

Another busy day in the Teaching and learning hub. Path weeded, tools sorted, roof going on the Chill out cabin, loads of planters filled. WOW what a day. Thanks go again to the young people from the Prince’s Trust and their support from Groundwork. Special thanks go to Linda Lea and James Smith (Jim).


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Building the Chillout Cabin

Groundwork and members from the Prince’s Trust learned some new skills and had some fun in our Teaching and Learning Hub whilst helping to build our new Chill out cabin. They also helped to move some of the raised beds and filled them with compost. Just to put the roof on and fit front doors and one window to do tomorrow on the cabin. Thank you everyone. We really enjoyed working with you.


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Potting Benches Courtesy of Yarrow Rangers

Thanks to the Yarrow Rangers we now have some lovely potting benches in the poly tunnel at the Hub. We are getting there at long last, the area is looking really good.
Thank you for all your hard work Rangers, much appreciated.